Isabella Martins BA, Nutritional Balancing Practitioner

Thank you for visiting 3D healing!

Nutritional Balancing is mainly the work of Dr. Paul Eck and Dr. Lawrence Wilson. Dr. Eck was a physician, biochemistry researcher and the founder of Analytical Research Labs. He developed the basis of the interpretation system we use today of a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis and the Mineral Balancing Program to correct the imbalances reviewed by a HTMA.

Dr. Wilson studied and worked closely with Dr. Eck for 14 years and after his passing, in 1996, he continued and expended his work turning it into the complete Development Program we offer today.

I started my journey in Nutritional Balancing in 2012. I had been researching and trying many different natural treatments to get relief from my symptoms when I stumbled upon Dr. Wilson’s website. His articles on health explained in simple terms but in depth most of my symptoms and for the first time I started to make sense of what was really going on in my body.

After about a month studying his website, I decided to start a full program with a practitioner. My then healing journey was an intense and long one, as it is with most people, there is just no quick fix for years of insults to the body, mind and spirit. The transformation that followed month after month, year after year, was truly amazing though.

I then started to help friends and family who wanted to begin a program, got trained and became a practitioner under Dr. Wilson’s team. Teaching others Nutritional Balancing and Development Science has been nothing less than great and I enjoy every bit of it. In our team we all walk the talk so I continue to be on a full program myself while helping others to do the same.


Our program can be done by distance! Start today wherever you are!



All information on this website is for educational purposes only. Nutritional Balancing and Development Science are methods to reduce stress on the body. They are not intended as diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure for any health condition.
